Our experience, all at your service
PMGroup is a one of the first and leading service providers with over 18 years of experience, specializing in an independent property rental management exclusive for Sunny Beach area. We have over 1000 properties in our portfolio in the years of service, same time still keeping in business the very first owners who trusted us a long time ago.
Great service starts with our great staff
Our conscientious and courteous staff pride themselves on both their professionalism and the personal touch they offer all of our clients. Our dedicated team of professionals will not miss a detail when taking care of your investment and will make you feel them more as friends, rather than property care takers. Everyone in our team is dedicated to participate personally to help and ease our guests stay – from Housekeeping and Maintenance staff to Reception desks, Reservation and Property management departments.
Local knowledge
Unlike many of the newbies out offering rental properties, who soon will realize this is not an easy business at all, our management and executive team members offer professional services since year 2005.
When you sign a contract with us, you can rest assure that you are dealing with property management and rental agents who have an unrivalled knowledge of the area. Our local presence and exclusive services for Sunny Beach, Nessebar, St. Vlas, Elenite, Ravda and Kosharitsa come for a reason – to pay attention to every detail and maximize rental return.
Hospitality services
We are proud of welcoming thousands of tourists who remain with excellent impression by making the right choice of holiday apartment, who we meet repeatedly every year. Although our tourist flow is quite big, we do not rely on it to raise our success. We believe that property management is more than a vacation rental with a key code. Our staff members meet all our guests, giving them recommendations for the trip, advices on a safety stay at the property and offering a variety of additional services.
We are glad you found us
Being a family-run business, the sense of togetherness in our work at PMGroup is of absolute importance. We endeavor offering a personal service, so you will never get the feeling that you are just another client. Our friendly and honest team makes us what we are, and they are the reason why PMGroup is regarded as long-term trustworthy partner throughout owners, tour operators, real estate agents and other companies we cooperate with.
Become a part of our big family and experience the difference!

EU Programs
Проект и главна цел: BG16RFOP002-2.089 «Подкрепа за малки предприятия с оборот над 500 000 лв. за преодоляване на икономическите последствия от пандемията COVID-19»
Номер на АДПБФП: BG16RFOP002-2.089-1746
Обща стойност: 50 000.00 лв., от които 42 500.00лв. европейско и 7 500.00 лв. национално съфинансиране.
Начало: 23.05.2022 г.
Край: 23.08.2022 г.
„Пропърти Мениджмънт Сървисис“ ЕООД кандидатства за финансиране по проект BG16RFOP002-2.089-1746 Подкрепа за малки предприятия с оборот над 500 000 лв. за преодоляване на икономическите последствия от пандемията COVID-19, осъществяван оперативна програма Иновации и Конкурентоспособност на ЕС.
Цел на проекта: Осигуряване на оперативен капитал за българските малки предприятия, реализирали оборот над 500 000 лв. за 2019 г., за справяне с последиците от пандемията COVID-19.
На 23.05.2022 г. „Пропърти Мениджмънт Сървисис“ЕООД подписа административен договор за безвъзмездна финансова помощ. Одобреното финансиране ще помогне на Дружеството да преодолее икономическите затруднения във връзка с пандемията COVID-19, свързани с намаляване на оборота, реализиран от дружеството, спада на броя на клиентите, както и трудностите, възникнали при нашите контрагенти.